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Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Kansas Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association or KanSPRA.


Article II: Geographical Jurisdiction

The geographical jurisdiction of KanSPRA shall encompass the area described as follows: the boundaries of the state of Kansas. KanSPRA membership is divided inot five regions: North Central, Northeast, South Central, Southeast and West. To continue in good standing, the chapter must have at least 10 members who are also NSPRA members. The NSPRA Executive Board shall determine the exact territory of chapter jurisdiction.


Article III: Membership

  •  Active Chapter members may be members of the National School Public Relations Association and have the right to vote and hold office.

  • The Chapter President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and one other elected officer designated by the chapter must be members of the National School Public Relations Association. All other chapter officers and members should be encouraged to be members of the National School Public Relations Association.
  • KanSPRA will pay the President, President-Elect, and/or Treasurer’s registration to the NSPRA Seminar or annual professional dues that support his/her duties during the term. KanSPRA will also reimburse travel expenses that are incurred during the NSPRA Seminar, not to exceed $1,000 per officer. The Board must approve requests for payment of professional dues in lieu of the NSPRA Seminar registration fee.
  • KanSPRA will offer one scholarship each year to the NSPRA Seminar to the Newcomer of the Year. The scholarship will pay the registration fee and expenses not in excess of $500. Nominations are open to all new members in good standing.
  • KanSPRA will pay NSPRA Seminar registration for members being recognized as NSPRA Award winners as determined by the KanSPRA board.


Article IV: Dues

  • The establishment of dues and all policies pertaining thereto shall be on the recommendation of the Chapter’s Board.
  • Approval by two-thirds of the members voting shall be required on all matters affecting dues.


Article V: Officers

Officers shall be reported to the USA-Kansas office by May 1 and to the NSPRA associate director by May 31. Elections will be held in the spring. Newly elected and appointed officers shall take office on July 1. The term of office shall be one year. No elected officer shall serve in the same capacity for more than two consecutive terms.

Officers and their duties shall be:

  • Elected officers shall be active Chapter members as outlined in Article III. They shall be elected in the spring and take office July 1.



  • Shall be the executive director of the Chapter and shall preside at meetings of the Chapter Board.
  • Shall set board meeting dates and locations for the year at the beginning of each term.
  • Shall appoint officers and the chairperson of all standing and special committees and shall approve the selection of committee members made by each chairperson.
  • Shall represent KanSPRA or appoint a designee as an ex-officio non-voting member of the USA-Kansas Board of Directors.
  • Shall create an annual budget with the Treasurer for approval by the Board.
  • Shall approve disbursements as allocated in the KanSPRA budget approved annually by the Board.
  • Shall confer with the treasurer to jointly approve any expenditure that would cause the approved budget for that line item to exceed the budgeted amount by more than 5 percent.
  • Shall communicate regularly with the membership.
  • Shall send quarterly reports to the NSPRA regional vice president.
  • Shall submit annually required financial reports, as prepared by the Treasurer, and membership data to the NSPRA business manager by October 31.
  • Shall attend the NSPRA Leaders’ Meeting at NSPRA Seminar or appoint the President-Elect, Treasurer or another Chapter designee to attend.
  • Shall represent KanSPRA or appoint a member to represent KanSPRA on the Kansas Teacher of the Year committee and the Milken Award selection committee (as requested).


    • Shall perform all duties of the President in the event of his/her inability to act.
    • Shall serve as President after a one-year terms as President-Elect.
    • Shall prepare the KanSPRA entry for NSPRA’s annual Mark of Distinction recognition program for exemplary chapters by May 15.
    • Shall be responsible for planning and coordination of the annual conference held during the year served as President.
    • Shall attend the NSPRA Leaders’ Meeting at NSPRA Seminar. If unable to attend, shall work with President to appoint Treasurer or another Chapter designee to attend.
    • Shall create and implement an action plan that reflects the organizational strategic plan.

      Past President:

        • Shall organize the orientation of new officers.
        • Shall coordinate the chapter awards program and recognition of retiring member(s).



        • Shall confer with the President to jointly approve any expenditure that would cause the approved budget for that line item to exceed the budgeted amount by more than 5 percent.
        • Shall provide financial statements and disburse chapter funds as allocated in the budget approved annually by the Board.
        • Shall prepare annually required financial reports for submission to NSPRA by the President.
        • Shall make any other disbursements as directed by the Board.
        • Shall act as a liaison to the USA-Kansas office, coordinating appropriate financial reports with the organization.


          • Shall keep records and minutes of meetings and assist in Chapter correspondence.

          Appointed Officers:

          Appointed officers shall be selected by the President from among the Chapter members. Appointments shall be made within one month of the election or whenever a vacancy occurs.

          A.    Regional Vice Presidents

            • Shall coordinate and represent their designated KanSPRA regions as defined in Article II.
            • Shall establish a two-way communication process between regional members and the Board.
            • Shall attend KanSPRA Board Meetings.
            • Shall schedule regular meetings within their regions.
            • Shall assist the President and Membership Chair in contacting potential members within their region.
            • Shall notify the President and Communications Chair when job openings occur in their region for distribution to members.
            • Shall provide regional updates to the Communications Chair for KanSPRA chapter communications.


              B.    Membership Chair

                • Shall coordinate the annual membership drive by sending membership renewal notices and contacting prospective members through communication with Kansas school districts and other educational institutions.
                • Shall maintain membership records, coordination with USA-Kansas to determine those members ho join KanSPRA through USA-Kansas.
                • Shall be responsible for a current membership directory on the website.
                • Shall attend KanSPRA Board Meetings.


                  C.   Communications Chair

                    • Shall be responsible for the KanSPRA website and social media.
                    • Shall coordinate with the President, Regional Vice Presidents and committee chairpersons regarding the content of chapter communications.
                    • Shall assist the President and Board in any other chapter communications efforts deemed appropriate.
                    • Shall attend KanSPRA Board Meetings.


                      D.    USA Liaison

                        • Shall be a KanSPRA member who also maintains a membership in USA-Kansas.
                        • Shall be appointed to a 2-year term as a voting member of the USA-Kansas Board of Directors to attend USA-Kansas meetings and represent KanSPRA.
                        • Shall communicate USA-Kansas updates to the KanSPRA Board.
                        • Shall attend KanSPRA Board Meetings.


                          E.    Professional Development Chair

                            • Shall develop and distribute surveys specific to professional development needs, and identify topics of interest/focus areas
                            • Shall facilitate connections to and delivery of meaningful professional development both connected with and in addition to the annual Fall Conference
                            • Shall support regional Vice Presidents interested in hosting professional development activities in their designated area
                            • Shall attend KanSPRA Board Meetings
                            • Shall maintain information related to Fall Conference planning.

                            F.   Special Events Chair

                            • Shall be responsible for planning and coordination of the annual Fall conference
                            • Shall support regional Vice Presidents interested in hosting regional special events in their designated area
                            • Shall help to plan/communicate group social activities for those attending NSPRA National Seminar or appoint a designee for this task
                            • Shall attend KanSPRA Board Meetings
                            • Shall maintain information related to Fall Conference planning.


                            G.    Member Support

                              • Shall coordinate a mentorship program to assist new KanSPRA members.
                              • Shall coordinate a program to determine school districts or institutions which do not have a PR professional and offer KanSPRA assistance if needed.
                              • Shall coordinate a program to promote accreditation in public relations (APR) through NSPRA and provide study sessions and/or mentoring by accredited KanSPRA members for other members who are pursuing accreditation.
                              • Shall attend KanSPRA Board Meetings.


                                H.    Superintendent Liaison 

                                  • Provide a connection for districts without a public relations professional to utilize the expertise of a KanSPRA member.
                                  • Shall contact superintendents through communication with Kansas school districts and other educational institutions to share the value of KanSPRA membership.
                                  • Shall attend KanSPRA Board Meetings.


                                    I.   Board Members-at-Large

                                    • One additional member may be appointed from a segment of the KanSPRA membership that is underrepresented by other members of the Board to serve on the Board if the President deems advisable.
                                    • Shall attend KanSPRA Board Meetings.


                                    Article VI: Governance

                                      • The governing body of the Chapter shall be the Board which is responsible for all policies. It shall consist of the elected and appointed officers so designated in Article V.
                                      • Bylaws and any amendments to the bylaws shall be approved by the KanSPRA Board and NSPRA Executive Board before adoption by the Chapter.


                                      Article VII: Meetings

                                      • There shall be an annual meeting of the Chapter held during the annual conference. The time, place and program shall be determined by the Chapter’s Board. Business may be transacted by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting. The Board shall prepare a report to be distributed at this meeting. Copies shall be sent to the NSPRA Regional Vice President and the NSPRA office.
                                      • Other meetings of the Chapter shall be set at the discretion of the President and/or Board.
                                      • All members shall be notified of the Chapter meetings at least two weeks in advance of the meeting date.
                                      • The Board shall meet at least quarterly on notice of the President. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.


                                      Article VIII: Prohibited Activities

                                      No part of the earnings of the chapter shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its directors, officers or other private persons except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensations for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in these Bylaws. Except as provided in Section 501(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or any corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law, no substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of campaign statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

                                      Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue law, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue law.

                                      Upon dissolution of the corporation, the Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all the assets of the corporation exclusively for the purposes of the corporation in such manner, or to such organization(s) organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization(s) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law, as the Board shall determine.

                                      (KanSPRA Board Approval 03/26/2021)

                                      (NSPRA Approved 04/10/2021)

                                      (KanSPRA Chapter Approved 04/23/2021)

                                      Download a copy of our KanSPRA by laws: KanSPRA Bylaws 2021 NSPRA approved 03/26/21

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